Thursday, October 21, 2010

Brooklyn's First Tea Party

Brooks joined us at our Tea Party, I think she enjoyed it
All dressed up

Brooks is one month old today! And I have taken pictures of all the girls at one month and thought it might be fun to compare:

Corie Lynn

Evelyn Nell

Brooklyn Leora

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brooklyn Joins the Crew!

She is here. Our littlest girl, with her fuzzy head, soft skin, blue eyes and perfect tiny body. She is almost 4 weeks old now and we can't imagine our little family before she arrived. Between a broken computer and a new baby this is the first chance I've had get her on here!

We are enjoying being a family of five, and here are some pictures of one of our first outings.

This is actually after the pumpkin patch, cooling off in the fountain (Brooks is in the sling)

On the Tractor Ride

Don't have a comment for Corie's face... being silly

My 3 Lil' Punkins