Thursday, July 29, 2010

Zoo Day

Bethany and I took all the kids to the zoo this morning. We had a great time watching animals and doing the stroller shuffle (Corie wanted to sit in every seat...)

Train Ride at the zoo
"Tickets Please!"
Evie was probably the most excited
Pretty Flower

Feeding the goats
Sister Moment
Corie and Asher insisted on riding in the stroller, while Evie and Avery wanted to explore!
Evie and the "Ee-bah!"
The whole crew (Corie has a rolly polly on her hand...)
I noticed that I didn't take any pictures of animals. Its funny how for me a trip to the zoo is about watching my kids' experience instead of going to see the animals. Although, the kangaroo family gave us quite a show today. The cool morning must have made them in the mood to race!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Naming a New Human Being...

...has not been easy for me and my husband this time around. Before, it was a battle of wills... who's favorite name will win in the in end (Mommy - 1, Daddy - 1). But we have come to an impasse. Neither of us has a favorite to fight for, we have a list of names that are possibilities at most.

Actually, that is not completely true. I do have a name that is my favorite, but I know (as my husband is fond of exasperatingly reminding me) it is impossible. The name is Stella. Those of you that know how we pronounce our last name can immediately see the problem. Although the it looks like "Mars-taller", we actually say "Mar-steller." So poor little Stella Marsteller can never be.

I'm very glad that we decided to find out what sex this baby is this time too. Otherwise I would probably be all smug about my perfect little boy name and assume that I would not have to stress about another girl name. When we first found out it was a little girl I had fun day dreams of Corie and I calling her by her name when Corie talked to my tummy and helped pick out fun things for "so-and-so." Bah, now Corie is more convinced than ever that her name will be Stars, because we have nothing to contradict her with!!

I'm trying not to put too much pressure on the name game, and just let one begin to feel like it fits. I'm almost willing to say yes if Matt ever decides he has a favorite, almost...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Literary Depression

I was finally talked into reading the Twilight Saga recently, something I had been avoiding not because I don't enjoy that genre but because of the tween craze. Nevertheless, I gave in and to my surprise, enjoyed the first book! It is no Pride and Prejudice, but it was a fun, easy read and I loved the plot idea! Nice vampires, unlikely love, it was an entertaining twist.

As I read through the next two books in the series, I was feeling a little disappointed in the quality of the characters and the storyline. The more I read, the less I understood about their relationships and almost didn't want things to work out for them. They were whiny and selfish (besides Edward, but but he was also degraded to a piece of pathetic background noise later on) and seemed to just be satisfied that mystery and physical attraction was the reason for the "love" triangle. Sigh, I was beginning to become disenchanted with the Saga, but hoped that Breaking Dawn would pull it all together and save the day!

Oh boy... How I wish I had never opened that dismal book!

This is not intended to be a book review, so I will not explain all the ways that I was so disappointed in the last book of the Twilight Saga, but let me just say that it sent me into a "Literary Depression" for a few days. Because I had never read any reviews I had no preconceived ideas of how others liked the book, so I assumed that I was alone in thinking that this was a travesty among book Finales! This thought made me even more depressed. What had I missed? Had I expected too much? Why did I feel like this book wasn't even written by the same author?? When did the sweet innocent first love story turn the characters into cardboard afterthoughts, sex addicts and mutant baby producers?!?! Ok, let me get my composure back....

Ok, so this anticlimactic and frustrated feeling lasted a few days until I was brave enough to search for someone else that might have felt the same way. So I typed "Breaking Dawn book disappointment" into google hoping I might find a lone blogger who shared my let down.

Lo and Behold! I begin to read review after review of people just as chagrined as I was!! Luckily Matt and Corie had gone to the church to play basketball and Evie was already tucked asleep in bed, because I would have been embarrassed for anyone to hear my hysterical laughter and jubilation over a hostile book review! I was not alone! As I read and saw everything I had been stewing over in other's typed words, I began to feel better (ok so elated!)

In conclusion, I will not brand myself as a Twilight fan. As I said above, I did enjoy the first book and do think that the storyline had potential to be a really good series. The author was either too inexperienced, to "dazzled" (haha, i dare you to find out how many times that word is used in the series!) by the media, or had too much pressure writing the final book. Either way, while I am no longer in my "Literary Depression," mostly because I was not the only one to be disappointed, I am sad that it had to end on a sour note.

*disclaimer* -For those of you who do not know me well, I would like to point out that I love to read and enjoy books immensely, sometimes obsessively. BUT I also enjoy being overly dramatic in my writing and it just made it more fun that Twilight has been such an over the top craze, I couldn't help myself. I was never actually depressed, I hold no hostile feelings toward the author, and I can go on with my life and forget I ever read that stupid series. That's all.

"Team Edward!" (Just Kidding!!)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July

For the Fourth of July my family went to spend the weekend with my grandparents at their lake house at Lake Whitney. It is always great to spend the fourth with my grandparents, plus the forth of July is my Granddaddy's birthday! Didn't get many boating pictures, but here are a few cuties.

This is the bike that Paige and I road at my grandparents house growing up. My Granddaddy found it in storage and cleaned it up for the girls!

Proof of fun

Aha! Got some pictures of a fun thing! Washing their dishes in the sink! Why is playing in bubbles in the sink so much more fun than playing with bubbles in the tub?
Note Evie's face. This is the face she makes when I say "smile!"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Some Fun Things

Fun has been hard to come by with this Mommy lately. I have found that I have become less tolerant of messes, potential messes, and being outside unless we are in a pool this summer with a growing midsection. Despite all this, I have managed to grit my teeth through some fun for the girls.

We have been to the local zoo and enjoy watching the baby kangaroo do mini hops around his area, and then copying him.

The girls have, on two occasions, been allowed to paint (Evie has a big plastic bag with dollops of paint inside she gets to squish.)

I have also decided to keep the hose next to the front walk so that the girls can blow bubbles on pretty mornings and evenings. The hose being necessary because Evie does not no how to blow bubbles in the least, she just likes to carry around a wand dripping in bubble juice.

We went for a puddle jumping walk in which two girls ending up bootless and soaked and giggling while sliding around in mucky water. ( I reeeeeally had to grit my teeth through this one, some of those puddles were questionable, I don't know how germ-a-phob moms deal with mud puddles)

After her first fall into the goop Corie looked ABSOLUTELY astonished that I was laughing. Made me sad that she doesn't remember that I was a fun Mommy a short 7 mths ago, but I am more determined to do fun stuff and be a little less of a fuddy duddy. Sadly I have no pictures of any of these fun things, it takes enough of my energy and concentration to take part in the fun I suppose.

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!