Thursday, July 1, 2010

Some Fun Things

Fun has been hard to come by with this Mommy lately. I have found that I have become less tolerant of messes, potential messes, and being outside unless we are in a pool this summer with a growing midsection. Despite all this, I have managed to grit my teeth through some fun for the girls.

We have been to the local zoo and enjoy watching the baby kangaroo do mini hops around his area, and then copying him.

The girls have, on two occasions, been allowed to paint (Evie has a big plastic bag with dollops of paint inside she gets to squish.)

I have also decided to keep the hose next to the front walk so that the girls can blow bubbles on pretty mornings and evenings. The hose being necessary because Evie does not no how to blow bubbles in the least, she just likes to carry around a wand dripping in bubble juice.

We went for a puddle jumping walk in which two girls ending up bootless and soaked and giggling while sliding around in mucky water. ( I reeeeeally had to grit my teeth through this one, some of those puddles were questionable, I don't know how germ-a-phob moms deal with mud puddles)

After her first fall into the goop Corie looked ABSOLUTELY astonished that I was laughing. Made me sad that she doesn't remember that I was a fun Mommy a short 7 mths ago, but I am more determined to do fun stuff and be a little less of a fuddy duddy. Sadly I have no pictures of any of these fun things, it takes enough of my energy and concentration to take part in the fun I suppose.

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful mommy. no more doubting. I do think butcher paper is your answer. and a 15 passenger van.
